Monday, July 15, 2013

Monday, July 15

I had plans to try my skills on a bicycle this morning but it was pouring down rain.  We need the rain so bad, am not going to say a word.  We have a good chance of getting significant moisture over the next couple of days which is very welcome.  It kind of played havoc with my plans.  I have a friend who is encouraging me to get more active and I know she is right but I am a bit of a "slug".

I was going to try my rusty skills at riding a bicycle this morning and then had plans to take the Maserati down to have it detailed.  Because of the rain, that did not happen.  Am planning on Wednesday unless it is still raining.  No complaints, just have to adjust.

I worked on the EMC project some more today and also did some research for my planned trip to NY.  My daughter is suggesting we might do better cost wise to stay in New Jersey.  My lack of knowledge about the area is making that hard and am still hoping for a good price in Manhattan.  I spent quite a bit of time today researching and seeing what might be available.  It costs a bunch to live in the big city and bunch to visit.

Cowboy and I went to NYC a few years ago.  We parked our car and took public transportation.  He is uncomfortable with subways, that claustraphobia thing so we walked a lot.  I don't think I can do that now.  Don't have the stamina.  Am hoping to come up with a Manhattan hotel and to use public transportation, so won't just wear out right off the bat.

It will be good to get away and there are a number of things in NYC that didn't get to last time so have high hopes for the trip.

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