Saturday, July 6, 2013

Saturday, July 6

For some reason I cannot fully identify I have been a bit bummed this week.  Between Cowboy not behaving, the car not getting fixed, the list of "to do's" I have managed to accumulate and the terrible heat I am out of sorts.

I took my new vehicle in for the 5000 mile check on the 3rd.  I am putting the miles on it with going to see Cowboy.  That's OK.  I knew I would.

The fourth of July was a day mostly of work as it turned out.  The neighborhood used 4 iof my tables for the set up and I volunteered to chop the onions.  I also bought a watermelon and cut it up and put it on ice.

The tables were mostly handled by some of the fellows in the neighborhood but I still got involved to some extent. I also made the name tags and got them ready to distribute.  I should have put them in the plastic holders before the picnic so wouldn't end up in a rush when the time came.

Came home tired and hot but it was a good picnic.  Sorry Cowboy couldn't come.  He has always rather enjoyed all the goodies.

Friday, I went and got a haircut and then over to see Cowboy.  He didn't want to go out and we just kind of sat around and visited a bit. We had lunch and the catfish was great as always.   According to the head nurse he has been pretty cooperative as it concerns his meds and sugar readings.  I rather suspect he doesn't much like the night nurse or the substitute nurse and that may be part of the problem.  Anyway, he is mostly cooperating so I feel a little better.

I got up this morning feeling like I had been run over by a truck.  Must have overdone it the last couple of days.  Decided not to go to dulcimer practice.  Didn't get out of bed til nearly nine.

A neighbor who is leaving to go to California brought me celery, onions, lemons, an avocado and a turnip yesterday, then this morning another neighbor who is going on a cruise brought me some wonderful tomatoes.    I wonder if I am considered the welfare case of the block.  Nah, not that, just really nice, generous folks.  There is no way I can consume all of this so will try to find a couple of folks to share it with.

The people across the street are in W VA, the couple next to them just left for Michigan.  My next door neighbor went to California and another neighbor next to her went on a cruise.  Then talked to another friend this afternoon and they are leaving for New Mexico.  I WANT TO GO!!  It is so hot here and nobody around.

I plan to go over to see Cowboy tomorrow.

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