Sunday, July 14, 2013

Sunday, July 14

Part of our band played at a day care on Friday.  I was almost late getting there.  Couldn't get off the phone .  I didn't play very well.  There seems to be too much stuff in my brain right now and can't concentrate as well as I like.  but it went OK.  This crowd is not hard to  please.

Went to see Cowboy on Saturday.  It was still fairly early in the day and although hot, not unbearable, so we walked around a bit.  He was ready to go in fairly quickly so we went in and watched TV and I read the paper.  I had lunch with him and then headed back.   He is being a bit of a pain for the staff, frequently refusing to cooperate. His aide can't get him to agree to a shower.  A friend suggested he didn't feel well.  Maybe that is it but I cannot pin point anything.I know he has arthritis and sometimes his hips and/or his knees bother him.

I had met with the staff this past Wednesday and we talked a little bit about that and how to get him to cooperate.  These aids have quite a bit of training but I wonder if Cowboy is not a bit intimidating to some of them.  You can't just accept it when he says "no".  He always says "no".  Need to work on this a bit.

Today I read the paper, did laundry, changed the bed, watered the plants and puttered a bit.  Filled my day.  I also took a long walk right after I got up this morning.  I actually cooked today.  Was tired of frozen meals.  My weigh is holding steady but haven't lost any more in a while.  Going to have to step it up.

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