Long day today. I went and got my teeth cleaned this morning and got a good report. Then I went to Ft Hood to pick a new watch up for Cowboy. He had started complaining that the other one I got him was too heavy, even though he had liked it at first. I found him a sport watch that was very light weight and pretty easy to put on. It turned out to be a bear to program and hopefully he won't keep messing with it. After I gave it to him, he kept looking at it and looking at it and seemed like he wasn't understanding what he was looking at.
I also picked up some toiletries, had some lunch and headed over to see Cowboy. It was about 2 when I got there. He was in a good mood and seemed relaxed and comfortable. He announced he didn't know where his TV remote was and I looked everywhere for it. Under the bed, under his chair, in the drawers, no remote. I reported the loss to the staff.
Couldn't change the channel and were stuck watching "Judge Judy". There was a mother suing a daughter on the show. Cowboy turns around and asks me if he owes me any money. I said, of course not. He said "well, if I do, just tell me and I will got get some". I asked him how he was going to do that. He said, "I'll just go to the ATM and get it". He has no wallet, no plastic, nothing but he was quite sure he could pay me. Had to have been from watching the show.
At 5 PM I went to the support group meeting. Supposed to last an hr to an hr and a half but lasted til 6:45. I am not sure I can get much out of the meetings. I am not patient enough with some people's attitudes and opinions. One thing that came up is all the things that get lost. I mentioned the TV remote. Our facilitator went and got the lost and found box. Amazing......there must have been 25 pair of glasses, a dozen watches, several chargers, various other things and one remote. Unfortunately, it was not the one I was missing.
Cowboy has gone through about a dozen pair of undershorts that have never made it back to his room. So far we are doing fairly well with shirts and jeans. I guess this is just "par for the course" with these things.
We talked about our emotions and how to manage them. Some people really need to talk and others never say a word. It is an interesting dynamic. Never done this before, not sure how I feel about it. For the most part, I don't say much, just listen (doesn't sound like me, does it?)
The facilitator said she was going to get a Dr. to come and talk to us about the disease itself. I was wondering as I was listening if these people did any research on their own. I searched the internet, bought and read two books. The best one was from the Mayo Clinic and was very detailed in both the clinical aspects of the disease and ways to manage the patient.
Ended up driving home in a heavy downpour with a very dark sky. There was a terrible backup on the interstate. Didn't get home til about 9. I am pooped but too wound up to sleep. Just had a cupcake. Going to bed momentarily.
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