Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Wednesday, June 27

Yesterday was the hottest day on record here.  109 !

A couple of days ago Cowboy went to bed about 7PM.  He does that sometimes.  I told him that in the morning he would need to shower and shave.  It has been a couple of days.  At 8:30 I hear something and go to investigate and find him undressed and getting into the shower.  He thought it was morning.  He was really confused.  We got him bathed and then back to bed.  He went right back to sleep.

On Monday I was scheduled to play a gig at a adult day care.  I was going to take Cowboy with me but he was really not up to it so I called a neighbor and had them sit with him and I went without hime  It went really well.  Always feels good when you know the audience is having a goodo time.

Since we have to go to the podiatrist today I had someone come yesterday instead.  Marsha is still caring for her day so Stacey came.   She just started.  It went OK but you can tell Cowboy is not real big on someone else.  He ate his lunch OK and didn't give her any trouble.

I got a pedicure, a haircut, went to the fabric store for some trim, back to Pier One and TJ Maxx.  Looking for thngs to complete the new decor.  and then the grocery store and home.  It was so hot out that it was not a bit fun to be out.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Friday, June 22

Summer is officially here and they are predicting over 100 every day starting tomorrow for the next week.

The planets just won't line up for me.  I took Cowboy for a hamburger yesterday and then dragged him back to Hobby Lobby to pick up the alternate fabric.  When they unrolled it it was full of flaws.  Couldn't find a good 2 yards.  Now what ?  I started this whole project as an "upper" and something to get my teeth into but it is not going well at all.  When I got home had a message that the stained glass I am waiting on isn't done.  One of the pieces of glass is backordered.  sheeesh !

Took Cowboy to the doctor for his regular 90 day check up yesterday.  Everything looks pretty good but the doc is worried about his foot.  He is going to refer us to a podiatrist for a closer look. 

I actually got up and went for a walk this morning about 7:30.  It was just beginning to get hot but not too bad.  The pup enjoyed it.   Cowboy is pretty quiet today and seems tired.  No wonder.  I have been asking a lot of him this week.  No plans for the weekend so he can relax.  Hope Marsha is available next week. 

The band is playing two gigs next week.  One on Monday for a dementia day care and another on Friday for a different day care.  I will take Cowboy with me.  It seems to be working fairly well.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Wednesday, June 20

What a day.  Had an 8 o'clock dental appointment and Cowboy just wouldn't get going.  I had to prod him out of bed, prod him to shave, prod him to dress.  We got there right at 8.  They said his dental hygiene is really going down and he had a cavity but they went ahead and filled it today.  Guess I will hold him down and brush them for him !!

Marsha couldn't come today.  Her father took a spill and hit his head and is in the hospital.  He is in his late eighties.    Hope he is OK. 

I took Cowboy with me to do some errands. Went to SteinMart and looked at their artificial trees.  All were nice but too tall.  Went to JoAnn's and picked up the material that did come in.  They don't have any artificial trees.  Went to Hobby Lobby to see if they have a fabric to replace what was back ordered.  They have some I kind of like.  Am pondering.  They also had some nice trees.  Realized I don't really know what I want.  All these stores have benches and Cowboy sat there while I chased around the store as fast as I could.

Then we went to the bank.  Can't do everything I need to do on line on the new account we set up.  Got that taken care of.  At this point Cowboy is really tired but still need a few groceries so we go there, then to the pharmacy and then home.  The dentist want's him to use a special toothpaste that is prescription.   Needless to say we are both worn out.

I have been hesitant to have the service send someone else.  He is never really comfortable with anyone but Marsha.  Can't handle a repeat of today though.  I worried with every step, especially on curbs and such and he moves so slow that didn't get near everything done.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Monday, June 18

At last.  The boys brought the furniture Saturday.  It looks really nice.  (then got a call today that the material I ordered is back ordered).  Cowboy seems to like it.  The new recliner is a bit larger than his old one and more comfortable.  I think this stuff was made for big people.

We had a quiet Father's Day.  Went to the supermarket and then just watched TV and read the paper and such.   I took him out Saturday evening for dinner so as to avoid the crowds of fathers day and he enjoyed some catfish.  The kids called but his interest is nearly non existent in talking to them or anyone for that matter.  I think he watched about 4 or 5 western movies on TV.

The handyman was supposed to come today to clean our the dryer vent and do a couple of other things for us but he didn't show.  I cleaned out the refrigerator and did some laundry.  Ho hum stuff.

We did get Cowboy a really good bath today and a good covering of cream on his skin.  He still has a couple of spots with rash but overall it is all much better.  The corn on his toe is much better.  He even put his boots on today.  Hope he doesn't create a new corn. 

We have a dentist appointment on Wed morning and a doctor's appointment on Thurs this week.  Don't expect anything to be found.  He is doing OK as far as eating and sleeping and his mood is generally either good or neutral.  Can't complain.  Just wish we could have a conversation sometimes.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Friday, June 15

Marsha was here Wednesday and I went and did some errands and then went to the mall and walked and walked. ( Just had to duck into a couple of stores but not really a shopping trip.)  It is too hot to walk outside unless I do it really early. 

I think we have it lined up for the grandsons to bring the furniture tomorrow.  Here's hoping.  I had the floors cleaned yesterday and am ready to put down the new rug.  It is fun to think about having something different and little more modern.

Cowboy has been a bit cranky lately.  He has complete control of the remote and has no interest in anything I want to watch.  Today it has been westerns all day, which is really historically his preferred entertainment.  He doesn't like it when I go off into another room for very long.  Here he comes looking for me. 

Today he got a present for Father's Day.  It was bananas covered in chocolate and marshmallow creme. Delicious!  His oldest daughter sent them.   We have received some cards as well.  He doesn't seem to have any interest at all.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Tuesday, June 12

There hasn't been much going on lately and not much to report.  Cowboy is talking in his sleep a lot but is staying in the bed at night for the most part.  Occasionally he thrashes around but not every night.

A couple of mornings ago he asked for pancakes for breakfast.  I usually fix him 4 and myself  2.  Well, he wanted more and got impatient when I could only provide him with 5 and still allow myself some breakfast.  I wasn't going to do another batch.  The good news is he has gained a couple of pounds.

On Sunday night I was watching 60 Minutes.  He had watched NCIS ALL DAY and I was going a bit stir crazy.  After about 30 minutes he took the remote and changed the channel on me.  I asked him to change it back and he said "You have seen enough of that, haven't you?" and wouldn't change it back.  I was a bit irritated. I just went in the other room to watch my show.

I have to remind myself that it is not my  formerly thoughtful husband I was talking to.  He is only concerned with himself and what he wants these days.  There is absolutely no point in disagreeing or arguing about anything.    The result you get is a bit like that of a two year old.

I have made a decision to start walking a few minutes every day.  I just have to get a little sunshine and excercise.  I think if I remind him strongly to stay put and do it when his tummy is full and he is engaged in a TV show we can make it work.  Time will tell.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Friday, June 8

It is truly amazing but the flowers received on Thursday, May 31st are still looking beautiful.  I called Cowboy's oldest today and told her I was sure it her who sent them and that we were really enjoying them.  I don't believe I have ever had any roses that lasted this long or were this beautiful.

Wednesday Marsha was here and I went looking for material to make new cornices, pillows and bar stool covers to match the new furniture.  I had to order it and it will be here in a couple of weeks.  Got it at JoAnn's and it was on sale for 40% off.  Good thing too, upholstery material is not cheap.

I took Cowboy and got him a haircut yesterday and he looks very nice.  Best haircut he has had in a while.

In the afternoon yesterday we went to the local community church and played for their adult day care.  Cowboy went with us and sat there and was quiet.  It went really well.  I think they really enjoyed it.  It is the same place I had taken Cowboy a few months ago and then he didn't want to keep going.  I guess he just doesn't relate to their program.  It consists of entertainment and speakers and games and activities.  I sense that he finds it all a bit juvenile.    When he was in rehab they wanted him to sit and pass a ball around with his arms and his feet and he didn't like that either.

It is pretty quiet around here.  Was going to take the car in for an oil change today but just decided to wait.  Needed a day of no committments.

I made spaghetti tonight with some sauce I had made previously and frozen.  He didn't want to eat it.  I ended up opening him a can of beanie weinie.  A lot of food goes to waste around here these days.

Talked to my grandson this afternoon and he is bringing the furniture on June 16th, a week from tomorrow.  He absolutely promises.  We will see.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Tuesday, June 5

I mentioned the other day that Cowboy was complaining of a sore toe.  He has a corn and we have been treating it with corn pads.  It is supposed to make it go away and it looks like it is working.  He hasn't had on his boots in a few days.  He has been in his stocking feet or in his tennis shoes.  Very unusual for him. 

Yesterday morning I hear this click click on the hard tile floor.  In he comes with his military shoes on.  A year or two ago we ran across them in some stored stuff and he wanted to put them in his closet.  No problem.  They were covered with dust and were just sitting there for all this time.  He wore them when he was in the "Old Guard" in Washington DC back in the sixties.  They have metal on them to make the clicking sound as they march in ceremonies.  So we are listening to this click click as he walks.  He says they fit and are comfortable.

Had Bunco at my house last night.  A friend who plays bunco with our group brought me a card table and chairs and her hubby took Cowboy to their house while we played.  He did OK but was up later than normal.

We didn't get to bed til about 10:30.  While I was in the kitchen tidying up, he was trying to move the coffee table back into its place and he fell down.  Not hurt but had a time getting him back on his feet.  He wants to help and be normal and just tries to do things he shouldn't try.  I should have been paying more attention.

Good time at Bunco.  We laugh a lot and eat a lot of stuff we shouldn't but it is good for all of us.

The flowers we received last Thursday are still beautiful.  I had two of them fade out but most are open and just gorgeous.  Am really enjoying them.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Sunday, June 3

We had a nice anniversary.  Cowboy got all cleaned up and shaved and put on clean clothes and was ready to go out when I got back from errands on Friday.  Marsha said he had eaten good and was cheerful.  We went out to dinner and had drinks, an appetizer, an entree and dessert.  Quite a feast.   We came home and watched a movie and were in bed by 9:30. 

The morning after we got married 35 years ago he got me up before dawn and got me dressed and we went out and watched the sun come up.  I think he could change me and make me want to get up early every day like he always has.  He wasn't successful.  I still don't like to get up really early.

I can't help but remember all the good times and fun times we have had and I hold that in my heart.  It gets me through some of the rough spots.  I asked Cowboy if he remembered our getting married and he was able to remember some things but not much.  He couldn't remember the year or the place.

I spent yesterday getting the house in order and getting it clean.  Bunco is tomorrow night at my house.  Have to got get some goodies to serve tomorrow morning.

The boys were supposed to bring the furniture yesterday but called Friday and the baby is sick and my grandson isn't feeling too well either.    AGHHHH !!  I told him he was making me crazy and made him feel a little bad I think.