Sunday, September 28, 2014

Sunday, September 28

I went shopping Friday for my trip.  I bought a new pair of walking shoes,  some underwear.  (had a 30% off at Kohl's and my present underwear was showing a lot of "wear".)  I then delivered some things to GoodWill and filled up my car and went to the pool store.  Someone lost the adapter for the air pump and blowing up pool toys by mouth is a job.  I think I will shoot the next person who loses the adapter.  They are not easy to find.  Had checked at WalMart, Academy Sports, on line, etc.

Yesterday I slept in a bit and did my laundry and then went over to Cowboy's youngest daughters house.  It was the triplets birthday so we went out to a Chinese buffet.  I really enjoyed it.  I haven't been to a Chinese buffet in years !!  (ate too much).  I watched their daughter who will be 13 next month eat oysters and sushi and such.  wow.....I had never even heard of such things at her age.  The 10 year old triplets picked all sorts of things.  One had mostly fruit, one had mostly meat and one got a variety of things.  They are definitely not anything alike.  They are like stair steps and have different color hair and eyes.  Beautiful children and I am not a bit biased.

Today I went to see Cowboy.  He was very mellow and content.  We sat outside for a long time.  I didn't have a lunch ticket and left at noon when he got his food.  Had been there about 2 hours.  Traffic was terrible coming back.  Between the Cowboys game and the State Fair there are lots of folks around here.  I noticed on the way there these pretty little pink flowers growing along the road.  Not sure what they were but obviously a fall flower.  The fields are now either dirt or golden.  The crops have been harvested.  Looks like a lot of winter wheat going in.

When I got home enjoyed the Sunday paper and TV.  Don't really want to move.  Driving down there and back takes a lot out of me but am always anxious to spend time with Cowboy.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Thursday, September 25"

I couldn't do a day to day recount of the past few days if I wanted to.  It is all a blur.  I am getting to be a real slacker.

I went to see Cowboy last week on Tuesday and again on Friday.  We had their wonderful catfish on Friday.  He is about the same.  We seem to be on a "plateau as far as his progress.  That is a good thing but it leaves me dreading the next drop off.  A long time ago the doc told me the disease would proceed not in a straight line but in plateaus and drop offs.  It is hard to think about but I saw that happen with some of the other fellows here.  Jim is a good example.  For the longest time he could walk and talk to you and even would hug and kiss me and could feed himself and then all of the sudden he was in a wheelchair, couldn't lift his head and was only half  there and then he was in bed and passed on.  All in a few weeks.  I became acquainted with his wife and she was a sweetheart and now she isn't around anymore.

This past Saturday night the home called and said Cowboy wanted to talk to me.  He got on the phone and told me that he needed a car so he could take food to help them out.  I asked him to whom and he named one of our daughters.  As we talked he seemed teary and frustrated and said he needed to get food to "Frank".  We don't know any Frank.   I talked to him for a bit and he settled down.

On Sunday morning he called again and was happy and excited.  "Guess who came to see me?"  I couldn't guess so he said "VI!!"  Vi is a younger sister of Cowboy's that we haven't seen in years.  She lives on the west coast.   Turns out it was his eldest daughter and her husband that had driven down from Oklahoma.  They had brought birdseed and feeders and spent a good part of Sunday and then Monday morning breakfast with him.  I drove down and visited with them and with Cowboy. Lovely day, not too hot and Cowboy was having a good day.

On Wednesday I went down and we visited the dentist who was on site for the day.  He got his teeth cleaned and I got a lecture about reminding the staff more often to be sure and get him to brush and take his dentures out.  He has 3 more cavities plus a tooth that needs to come out which means modifications to his dentures so we will be scheduling those appointments.

On the home front I have been working on the yard and the house and doing research for the upcoming trip.  I am getting excited.  Budapest to Bucharest on a river boat with stops in several town that have been around since the middle ages.

Last saturday night grandson number 2 brought their kids over for 3 hours while he and his wife went out to dinner and party for his birthday.  I put their 8 month old in bed with me.  She took her bottle a bit too enthusiastically and then spit it all up all over me, the bed, and herself.  Changed the sheets and cleaned her up and then she was wide awake and wouldn't settle down.  FINALLY we got to sleep.  Don't know if I had it worse or if my daughter who took care of the three year old.  I am told she talked non stop for the whole three hours we had them.    ahhhhhh family.........

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Tuesday, September 16

10 days since I posted.  That may be a new record length of time.  I apologize.  I don't know what is happening with me.  Can't seem to stay organized.

I went to see Cowboy this past Friday and again today.  He is doing OK.  He seems kind of "dreamy" some of the time, like he is off dreaming about something else rather than being present.   The new activity aide (this is number 3 since he has been there) seems to be very fond of Cowboy.  She told me that in the spring she plans to take him over to another area of the home so they can plant a garden and be able to tend it without Billy tearing it up.  She told me that Cowboy reminds her to fill the birdbath and the feeders if she doesn't do it..  All of this will take a special effort on her part.  She also told me she is taking a group on a field trip tomorrow to a drive thru animal park. Cowboy expressed an interest in going.
I spent  quite a bit of time this past week taking my daughter to therapy and to the eye doctor and helping her clean up her room.  She purchased a pool table with a red cover and I have been tapped to cover some pillows and the bar chairs in red.  It is going to be a cool space.

Saturday night there was some fight on TV and she invited her kids and some friends over and they  were here until 1 AM.  The good news is I can't really hear anything when I go in my room and close the door.

I took my daughter to the airport yesterday and had the house to myself the rest of the day.  It was nice.  I had time to do a little shopping and buy groceries.  My daughter is on crutches for two more weeks but was released to work and travel.  When the next two weeks have passed t is when things will really get back to normal.  yea !

I have spent quite a bit of time working the yard the past couple of weeks and have the chigger bites to prove it.  The little critters think I am the sweetest thing around.  The yard is beginning to look pretty good but it is going to take another year to look the way I want.

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Saturday, September 6

I am sitting here looking at a desk totally piled up with piles of paper, coupons, camera equipment, receipts, etc.  Time to tidy up.

I bought a new camera this week!  The one I have is large, heavy and I learned very out of date.  Can you believe it.  I spent $900 for a camera in 2007 and when I go to buy memory cards can only get them at a camera store and are told "back in those days".    It takes great pics so I am still going to use it so bought some cards.  I can use it locally along with its heavy bulky lens.   Was told it wouldn't be long before I wouldn't be able to get them anymore.  Anyway I ruined my little one when I went to Costa Rica so I bought a little better one.  It is smaller and lighter but still has considerable zoom.  I am excited about having a good one for my trips.

We booked the South America trip for January.  I know I will like this.  We are going to visit Peru, Chile and Argentina.  I am going with a dear friend from my former community.

I went to see Cowboy yesterday.  He was outside.  The aide said he goes to this same place every day under the trees, away from the rather busy main patio and sits and looks at the trees and birds and squirrels.  Seems quite content.  I know I have often found him there.

She went to get him for me and we went back to his room and visited for a while and then went out to the common room and sat.   He looks at me sometimes with a rather puzzled look.  Not sure if he doesn't get who I am or what.   He has a hard time putting together a sentence.  What comes out is just gibberish but every now and then he will say something just clear as a bell.   Traffic was bad.  I don't like Fridays.

This coming week I have to take my daughter to two physical therapy appointments and an eye doctor appointment.  She is trying to take care of all these things while she is home this few weeks.  They have released her to travel starting the 15th.

This past week we got grandson #4 signed up for a trade school (Job Corps) in San Marcos.  It is about 4 hours from here.  He is going to learn to be an electrician.  He really loves doing videos and has cut a CD (rap) but you can starve to death trying to carve a life from that so I am pleased that he will have a trade to use to support himself while he is doing those things.  He has been so aimless.

Very soon I will be back to having the house to myself and I am looking forward to it.

Monday, September 1, 2014

Monday, September 1

This past week has been very busy, too busy.......

At this moment there are a number of people at our house.  My daughter is on the deck watching her son, his wife, his children, her son's friend, his wife and children, daughter's best friend from high school and a friend of hers, my daughter's best friend here and her boyfriend playing in the pool, eating hamburgers, hot dogs, etc.

I have cooked several meals the last few days and decided to leave it to them this afternoon.  I am in my easy chair, laptop on my lap and watching the news.

I went to see Cowboy on Monday and again on Friday this week.  Had to do physical therapy and Dr. appointments the other days.  He is doing OK.  When I got there yesterday he was in his room and he was weak and dizzy and clammy.  His blood sugar was 45.  Two cups of orange juice later he was OK.  They do a good job of keeping an eye on the residents but didn't know he was low.  He had not been out of his room since breakfast.

This coming week will be more of the same.  Everybody back to work and things will quiet down a lot.

A good friend of mine contacted me this week and suggested we plan a trip to South America.  Are thinking about Peru, Chile and Argentina.  Just in the planning stages but think I am going to do it.